“Ghost Dog” Series Synopsis:
Ghost Dog (eventually known as Pilot), the main character, is a former subject of experimentation. Released as medical waste by the laboratory, he was never expected to survive, but his adaptations gained under years of testing and manipulation have made him capable of withstanding extreme environments.
Volume 1, Part 1
We meet our main character sleeping in a forest on an unspecified planet. He’s awoken by the threat of a large fanged creature and is pursued out of the forest where, frantic to find an escape, he stumbles upon a scene: a small ship with the door left unattended.
As he nears the ship, the door begins to close, but he makes it inside to safety just before the door seals shut.
In the total darkness, two glowing orbs appear, the eyes of Pilot, one of his many unnatural attributes gained from his time in the lab.
What kind of ship did he escape into? Where is it headed, and what will happen if he’s discovered?
To Be Continued...
As our story unfolds, Pilot will learn about the ship he’s boarded, meet a cast of characters including a curious Kid, a clever rat named Smudge, and a few other experimentally-modified animals. Together they form a band of misfits with an ever-clarifying mission: bring down the testing corporation that created them and make the universe a more inclusive place for all walks of life.
Pilot’s adventure is just beginning. He’ll grow in his confidence as a leader, captain a cobbled spaceship, and solve interstellar mysteries with his friends, all the while finding where he truly belongs in this vast universe as the only one of his kind.
This story will take place over multiple parts and volumes. It could span a book series with potential spin-offs into the backgrounds of side characters; furnish a video game where the player has the opportunity to explore Pilot’s world as the main character, as well as the POV of his friends, fly a spaceship and complete rescue missions; and build a franchise around the Ghost Dog character through merchandising and art.
This project concept includes:
Character concepts (“Ghost Dog” Pilot, Smudge, Kid)
Spaceship concepts
First pages of Volume 1, Part 1